Shareholders’ Meeting 2011 |
Ordinary and Extraordinary Shareholders’ Meeting 28.04.2011 | Download | Convening notice |  | Press Release |  | Minutes of the Meeting |  | Explanatory report on items on the agenda |  | Summary of voting results pursuant to article 125-quater Legislative Decree |  |
Procedure for participation and vote by proxy
Any person eligible to take part in the Shareholders’ Meeting may choose to be represented by written proxy in accordance with current legislation, by signing the present proxy form, which is also available in paper format at the Company’s registered office.
Shareholders may also give notice electronically of their proxies to the Company at the certified e-mail address
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, or by regular mail to the Company’s registered office addressed to the Legal Department. Any notification shall not exempt the delegate, during accreditation for access to the Shareholder’s Meeting, from the obligation to certify that the copy thus notified corresponds to the original and to certify the identity of the delegating party.
The proxy may be given, with voting instructions, to Servizio Titoli S.p.A., for the purpose designated by the Company pursuant to article 135 undecies of the Legislative Decree No. 58/1998, by signing the present proxy form or, in paper format at the Servizio Titoli S.p.A headquarters or those of the Company.
The original proxy must be sent to Servizio Titoli S.p.A., Via Mantegna n.6, 20154 Milano, if need be forwarding a copy with a declaration of conformity to the original by fax at the number 02/46776850, or transmitting it electronically by attaching it to an e-mail message to be sent to the address
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later than the end of the second trading day before the date set for the Shareholder’s Meeting in first call (April 26th 2011). The proxy thus given is valid only for those proposals in relation to which voting instructions have been given. The proxy and the voting instructions are revocable within the same time limit as above.
The right to submit questions prior the meeting:
Pursuant to article 127-ter of the Legislative Decree No. 58/98 Shareholders may submit questions pertaining to items on the agenda even prior to the Shareholder’s Meeting.
Questions must be addressed in writing to the Company, to the attention of the Investor Relator, by fax at the number indicated in the section “Investor Relations” or by registered mail with a return receipt to the Company’s registered office. The question must be accompanied by (i) personal details of the requesting Shareholder (surname and name, or designation in the case of an organization or company, place and date of birth and tax code) (ii) certification attesting the legitimacy of the Shareholder issued by the authorized intermediary. Questions received shall be answered during the meeting itself at the latest. Questions forwarded otherwise than in accordance with the set procedures shall not be taken into consideration unless the same are reformulated during the meeting by attending Shareholders with the right to vote in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. The Company is entitled to provide a single answer to questions on the same subject matter.
The right of integration of the agenda:
Pursuant to article 126-bis of the Legislative Decree No. 58/98 Shareholders who, even jointly, represent at least one fortieth of the share capital may request, within ten days of publication of the notice of the shareholder’s meeting, the integration of the list of items to be discussed indicating in the request the additional items proposed.
Integration is not admissible for topics on which the Meeting is called upon to resolve on proposals by directors or on the basis of plans or reports drafted by them, other than those stated in article 125-ter.
Questions must be submitted in writing to the Company and must be sent by registered mail with a return receipt to the Company’s registered office to the attention of the Legal Department. Certification issued by the intermediary attesting the ownership of the shares on the part of the requesting Shareholders valid at the time of request must be produced together with the request.
Shareholders requesting the integration of the agenda must prepare a report on the items they propose to be treated. The report must be delivered to the administrative board before the closing date for the submission of the integration request.
Notice is given of the requests for integration of the agenda, in the same manner specified for the publication of the notice of the Meeting, at least 15 days before the date set for the meeting. On the same date the report is made available to the public, accompanied by any comments by the Board of Directors.
Information on share capital:
Share capital currently amounts to 34,000,000 ordinary shares with no par value.
Last Updated on Monday, 05 March 2012 12:06 |