Our shared values - integrity, attention towards our users and the market, team spirit and reciprocal commitment, encourage us to adopt a collaborative culture and one of exchange that helps our clients and our people to excel. Biancamano is present nationwide. We are proud of this and consider it to be one of our most important measures of success.
Having excellent ethic standards both as a company and as individuals is imperative to us. Our goal is that of having a company culture which reflects our key values. Our values constitute the basis of our actions.
In2008 the Group endowed itself with a Code of Ethics, compliance with which on the part of directors, management and employees as well as all those who operate throughout Italy to achieve Biancamano’s objectives, each in the context of his own functions and responsibilities, is of vital importance for the efficiency, reliability and reputation of Biancamano, the latter being factors that are a fundamental and indispensible asset for the success of the business and for the improvement of the social context in which the Group operates. The general principles that inspire the Code of Ethics are delineated in different ways with respect to the various types of stakeholder.
The following, in particular, are placed at the centre of attention: - relations with shareholders and the market: the commitment to creating value for the shareholders must be pursued following principles of correctness towards the market. The main rules of corporate governance are focused on, principles to be followed relating to corporate information and media relations, marked by transparency and fairness, but also timeliness and accuracy;
- relations with institutions and local communities: the requirement for active cooperation with public institutions has been introduced and the commitment for development and land protection has been stressed, also through information and the sharing of topics of major interest;
- relations withclients and consumers.
Furthermore, the development and protection of individuals respecting differences has been appreciated, in order for the workplace to increasingly be an environment of mutual respect and cooperation.
We strongly believe in values deriving from an ethical conductand sustain the concept of trust, essential in order to create value for the clients with whom we work.
We think that these qualities are indispensabile to construct a comprehensive project, through the sharing of the experience, time and talent of our professionals, we want to fulfill our individual and institutional responsabilities as citizens of the world.
This is the main road through which Biancamano wants to make a contribution on issues which are fundamental to the Italian market.
Biancamano has the objective of maximizing the value of its resources, reducing to the minimum – until eliminating – their environmental impact in such a way that both our environment and economy can prosper.